Author: Maheegan

  • Lessons From A Sansevieria

    Lessons From A Sansevieria

    Minimalist lessons from a simple (but mighty) houseplant. Seek out light.Take in your environment.Ask for the nourishment you need.Be a source of wonder and awe.Show your individual uniqueness.Grow and expand when you have the capacity. Remember that you don’t need much to live a happy life. Be resilient and adaptable. Keep your friends close. Reach for the sky.

  • The Path Forward: The Need for a Daily Retreat Centre

    The Path Forward: The Need for a Daily Retreat Centre

    In recent conversations with women about their perimenopause symptoms, it’s clear that many are facing significant challenges. From depression and weight gain to joint pain and mood swings, the spectrum of experiences is quite heavy. It’s essential to acknowledge and honour this struggle. Yet, it’s often difficult to confront. Either we forget about it because…

  • Nature as a point of reflection for transformation.

    Have you considered using it as a tool? You know, one of the things I love most about nature is its ability to reflect you back to yourself. Have you found that? Let’s extrapolate from this image. This is a beautiful and large tree (well, it was) in Stadspark, Groningen. She was affected by Storm…

  • What’s at the Heart of any Company? Values!

    What’s at the Heart of any Company? Values!

    Learning about Maheegan Retreat’s 4 Pillars of Values Values, when we’re conscious of them, are essential for direction. They anchor us to what’s important to us and if we have doubt or feel we’re veering off course, they give us something to guide us back. They control almost every single thing you do. And while…

  • What’s In A Name?

    What’s In A Name?

    Hello, and welcome to Maheegan Retreats! 🌱🌞 I’m so excited to have you here. Let’s take a breath, settle in, and look around at what’s new. The website, while minimal and bare, is starting to take shape. I hope it continues to feel comfortable to keep visiting and you find what you need easily. You’ll…